

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Is "Happy Porn" a thing?

It is surprising how many kinds of statistics I can see on this free program, blogger.  If you clicked on my blog because it came up in a search you did for some key words, I will be able see what those key words were.

Isn't that amazing?

The stat programs that come with even the easiest, free blog give so much amazing detailed information to the blogger.

I cannot see "who" any specific individual is who looks at my blog, I can only see the URL of the site they entered from and the search words they used, if any.

What? Was I reading a sex blog?
No! I swear it! No!
But I never see who YOU are, so don't get paranoid.

I see no names, email addresses, IP addresses, or anything like that.  I just see the search words if there were any, the reader's country, and the website the reader entered my blog from.

At this time, I remain anonymous to most people who read here.  Rest assured, you are anonymous, too.

Still, it is quite fascinating to see these statistics.  Now that I'm getting more and more hits I can see patterns emerge in the stats, and in the search words some people find me with.

When my blog was very new, I didn't have very many people finding me from key word searches at all.  My blog was so far down on any word search list that they just never could have clicked it.

Lately I am inching up enough in overall page views that I *do* come up fairly high in some key word searches.  So now  people are actually finding my blog from their key word searches, which means I can see what those key words were.

And that...has been interesting.

I'm deliberately keeping this blog free of porn and explicit sexual words or descriptions.  I'm trying to educate and entertain, but not titillate.

I like to discuss extremely sexual subjects and kinky stuff...but I'm not here to turn you on or to be turned on.

There are so many other places readers and viewers can go to see porn, to be turned on, to learn things, or to do all three at once.

This is my adorable avatar.
She doesn't use the F word, bitches.
I'm offering something a little different.  I have no problem with porn or being turned on, it just isn't what my cute little sex blog is about.  I have found it is difficult to find good information about sexuality and kink that does not include porn or titillation in it.

Some people want to be able to learn without being aroused.  That's why I'm here.

So, given my philosophy....I avoid using words like f*ck or c*ck or p*ssy.  And because of this, key word searches for those words don't usually find my blog. Every once in awhile they will though, if they used one of those words in a string with some other words that ARE in my blog.

As an example, someone searched for "naughty bad girl boy f*ck sex" and found my blog.  I am sure they were disappointed in what they found here when they started reading!  These are the posts they found with those key word searches:

The Bad Boys and Girls Club of America 
Good Bad Times

So the key words naughty, bad, girl, boy and sex were all in there somewhere in the titles or in the body of those two posts.  The F word wasn't in there anywhere, though.

I can imagine I would get a lot more more hits to my blog if I did use the F word, the C word and the P word.  But the thing is, I don't want disappointed readers.  People making those searches would be looking for something that isn't here.  I actually feel like my strategy is working!  I'm getting readers who do want to read what I have to say, and avoiding readers who don't.

Super Sorry, But There's No "How To" List

As you might assume, I do get people finding my blog by searching for the key words "sex god", "how to be a sex god", and "i want to be a sex god".  I hope I can at least entertain these readers a bit once they get here.  They may not have learned how to be a Sex God by reading my blog, but they did get to read my very strong feelings of love and lust for my Sex God husband.  Just hearing that Sex Gods exist and that there is someone willing to say out loud that she is married to one should be helpful information for aspiring Sex Gods!  After all, you must be a true believer before you can be one.

Hopefully, any reader who came here to learn to be a Sex God gets the real message I want to promote, which is: It is about intimacy, emotion and sexual vibrancy as much as it is about skill.

It takes more than a talented tongue.
There's no Cosmo "list of 10 sex moves" that will get you from here to Sex God.  It is a lot more involved than learning some tongue tricks.

No one can become a Sex God in a vacuum.  It requires partner participation, dedication, time, intimacy, self-awareness, trust and openness.  It is not an easy thing to just "learn" and I'm sorry but, no blog or other written information will get you there over night.

However...if you found my blog because it is your hope to become a Sex God, stick around!  I do have a lot to say on the matter due to my personal experience with one (and being one), and I bet that something I say at some point will help you in your journey.

It really is a journey of understanding, and understanding doesn't come quickly...but it does come eventually if it is your focus and you are driven toward an outcome, you'll get there.

Sex God status isn't impossible and it isn't out of your reach.  But it isn't easy, either.  Are you willing to work toward it, or did you just want to wake up one day and have some men or women fall at your feet with roses to worship you?  Make sure you know what your real goal is so you have more hope of achieving it.  I can tell you this much...the more adept you are at intimacy, the closer you are to becoming a Sex God.  If you aren't even sure what I mean by that, figure that part out first.

Perhaps it would help aspiring Sex Gods for me to note, I actually know many people who fall in the Sex God category.  They won't be the people you would just pick out of a line up and guess that they are in that category.  But there are many more of them than you probably suppose.

Happy Porn

The search that keeps coming up which inspired this post is "happy porn".  Or sometimes "happyporn" or "happy porn usa".  This search is usually done from India, but people from a couple of other countries also occasionally find me with those search words.

These searches find this post:

Happy, Healthy Porn and Masturbation

Now, I can only guess what the readers were hoping to find.  (And readers who might find me that way, I don't mean to talk about you like you aren't here, so hello, and welcome!)

All I know is that I am pretty sure they didn't find what they wanted in my post above.  That post is about the strict rules about porn and masturbation my husband and I follow in our marriage.  We use self-discipline to focus all of our sexual energy toward each other, and one part of practicing self-discipline is by not looking at porn without each other.  (We do enjoy porn together, though!)

What is a little flattering though is these readers do seem to hunt around my blog a bit more, even though they didn't find any porn in that post.  They usually end up reading a few more posts of mine, which I'm guessing means they found what I had written interesting (or maybe they were just hoping one of my other posts had happy porn in it).

Other Key Word Searches

A couple of my posts get a lot of hits because of the specific title of it.  For instance, people who make searches like "cankles", and "hates cankles" and "cankles babes", will find this post of mine:

He Even Loves My Cankles

And a surprising number of people search the words "body worship" or "how to worship my husbands body" or something similar.  Those searches find this post:

Body Worship

The word "porny" gets searched and I get hits from that sometimes.  I just used that word to be silly here and there on my blog.  I wonder what the reader was looking for?  Not straight up porn, but something "kinda porn-ish"?  Or maybe they just mis-typed "pony".

Other notable searches that brought up my blog:

"ming the sexy lusty sex god"      
"always been a boobs man"
"married sex blog"                    
"the power of sex worship"
"hard groping sex in dress"          
"handle boobs"
"mom sex blogspot"
"why does he love my boob?"

I find these searches fascinating.  And hey look - if you are reading and you found me using one of those searches, I'm not trying to call you out!  I find it amazing you found my blog at all, and it is fascinating to know a bit about who is reading here.  I hope you like what you found or if not, I hope I didn't waste too much of your time.

By far, most people are reading my blog because they already knew it existed.  Either by seeing a link to it and knowing the title of it and an idea of the content, or it has been shared with them by someone who is already reading it.  Only a small percentage find me by a key word search.

I assume as I keep writing blog posts and more people keep finding me here, I will get hits from more interesting key word searches.  I'll come back and update this post in the future as new awesome searches occur.  I'm really happy with the searches too, by the way.  It's like, "My people found me!"

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